Frequently asked questions
How do we book you?
I love photographing weddings! And I put 100% into each one I am lucky enough to be chosen for. If you’re looking for a wedding photographer I’d love to hear about your plans and answer any questions you have. So if you would like to find out more, first of all, just send me an email or use the contact me page to say hello! I love to meet all my future clients in person if at all possible so we can talk all about your plans and to make sure that we are a good match, we will after all be spending a lot of time together on your big day! Then as long as I am not already booked, I require a £300 deposit to secure your date, with the remainder payable one month before your wedding. It is that simple.
How would you describe your style?
Many photographers market themselves by saying that you will not know that they are there, shooting photos from a distance. That isn’t my approach, I like to be up close and involved in whatever is going on. That doesn’t mean getting in the way or directing things every two seconds, that would get annoying very quickly! I want to seek out and capture all those details of your day, all the moments shared between you and your guests, the moments you don’t see when you and your partner are busy during the day. My style is natural and relaxed, to achieve this, I will be chatting to everyone, blending in with your guests, rather than standing off clearly identifiable as ‘the photographer. Trying to be everywhere, getting my step count up!
Do you take group and formal photos?
In short yes, if that is what you want! I have not yet been to a wedding where there were not some form of group or family shots. I think the key to these are to keep the list short, otherwise it can end up being a little bit like herding cats! Always a good job for one of the bridal party to undertake, rounding up Auntie Flo and Uncle Bob. But I do think some family group shots are important for your Album, helping capture your family together on what will be a beautiful day when everyone is looking their best and happiest!
What I will always advise though, is that we schedule some time to go and get some couple portraits in a beautiful location away from everyone else. I often find that this can be suited to the period after the wedding ceremony and before attending the location of the wedding reception. Even if it is just for 30 minutes, I promise it will be worth it. Again, a small amount of time around sunset can mean we can get some wonderful evening light for couple portraits, without leaving your guests for too long. Having been through this myself, I know that half hour in the evening was probably the longest I saw my wife on the whole day, it was really nice to just spend a little time together and to get some beautiful images of us at the same time.
Do you cover weddings outside of Cornwall and Devon?
I live in Cornwall and have done for most of my life. So I know my way around and all the best spots! But I also love to travel and would love to hear from you about your plans, wherever they may be. If you are getting married in the mountains or by the sea, then definitely let me know!:) Travel within Cornwall is included, a small extra charge will apply, depending on travel required and distance etc.
How long do you stay at my wedding for?
If you book my Full day wedding package, I stay for the whole day. This usually starts in the morning to cover bride preparation (and groom prep depending on distance from the bride) and I stay well into the evening. I love to capture all the action on the dance floor, so I don’t disappear as soon as the first dance ends! A typical day would be 10am-10pm as a guide, but feel free to discuss your plans with me. I am not a photographer who will cut and run right after your first dance!
How long will it take until my images are ready?
I say within 10 weeks, usually sooner than this. A bit of anticipation never hurt anyone!
How many images will I receive?
A minimum of 500 hundred images, in a mixture of colour and black and white, in the style seen on this website. I will always send you a gallery link with some teaser images within 24-48 hours of the wedding to keep you going until your gallery is ready for viewing.
What do you love most about weddings?
I love capturing the emotion of the day. I love that everyone is so happy and excited about the day and its great being able to document the first day of a new family being created! It is a great honour and privilege being asked to attend what is a very personal event and I recognise that and always strive to exceed my clients expectations of me and their images.
I hate having my photo taken, can you help?
I would say that this is one of the number one concerns for most couples who hate being in front of the camera or being on show. Firstly I would say, as a guy who looks like a cross between Rob Beckett and Chewbaca, I know how you feel!:) But on a serious note, not many people enjoy being on show. Also the word 'pose' really has a bad connotation for lots of people. I make the time to get to know all my couples and encourage us to meet in person and also have an engagement shoot, included in my full day package for weddings in Cornwall. This gets rid of any fear or apprehension before the big day and will show you how great you look when you get the photos back. You will then go into your wedding day full of trust in me, confident in yourselves and ready to have the best day of your life! Don't worry about awkwardness, the gurn you think you have or anything else. Trust me, you will be having such an amazing day, you won't have any time to worry about it.
Why should we work with you?
Because I'm great!:) You should choose me because I really do want to exceed all of my couples expectations about every part of their interaction with me. From the initial contact, the first meeting (over coffee preferably), to the big day and everything that comes after. I will give your wedding my all, as I want you to leave shouting my name to any of your friends and family who may be getting married.
I have been given some really lovely feedback from my couples and their families, who have all appreciated the way I have interacted with them and their guests on the day. For example by being flexible when their plans inevitably change, when timings slip or the weather decides to do its thing. I do my best to remove any issues before you are even aware of them, to make sure you have a fantastic experience so that the pictures I capture truly reflect the love and commitment between you both.
Can we see a full client gallery?
Sure you can, just drop me an email chris@chrisarmstrongphotography.co.uk and I can send you some links to show you how you can expect to receive your images via my gallery site. No problem!